I have lots of slides from the late '60s there but didn't go out of my way to photograph many of the people at the time; Tom Newman, Lea from the Smother's Bros. TV show (there weren't many people there!). .and NO houses upriver. I didn't recognize many of the folks pictured altho' I used to see Lisa Law around Truchas, NM. And one of the last pictures of the series shows the late Kenny Hilton who passed away down there around 1980 if memory serves...drank peppermint schnapps to excess! If I can scan some pics I'll send 'em along. Wish I could recall the woman's name that used to serve dinner for only 3 or 4 of us a night...she'd worked in Wash D.C. and come back to her childhood home in Yelapa. The generator was only fired up on Saturday evening...helados and cold beer. An old gentleman used to dry coffee beans on the ground, turning them with an oar, in front of the tiendita on the plaza. Was Pedro, a Cubano, still keeping the village in smoke in the '70s?
Yes, I do remember. The lady in question (who insisted we speak Spanish regardless of how pitiful, and, of course, helped us with it) served her evening meals in a small front room that opened onto the plaza almost directly across from the Cruz store. There was no menu; she just told us what she was serving and took "reservations" early in the day. As I recall there were only one or two tables. I'll drag out the slides and see what I have of "downtown".
If anyone has any input on these questions please write. Juan Cruz used to dry the coffee beans in their plaza, and Peggy Muendel was the designer...but I don't know who the cook could be....faye