The Phil story is as follows...I met him on the beach in 1983 on my first trip with 2 girlfriends and my sister Rita of Baracho Steve and Rita. Phil was handsome and had a boom box with batteries. Hung out with him for few days and we became a beach romance. He was living up behind the beach somewhere that I have looked for many times and never found. He was a psychologist in toronto. When it was time for me to leave neither of us was ready and I went into town, called my mom and she agreed to keep my son a week longer. I went back and he was waiting on the beach...and we had a great time.
When I went back to the states I was in Buffalo in my masters program. Not too far from Toronto. We carried on for over a year. The last time I saw him was in toronto. He and I were both involved with others and we were to see each other in Yelapa just as friends. He knew about Ed and we wrote several times...he was expecting us and was going to find us a house. In the meantime he was living on the lagoon near Ruby's and they had become friends. He had been making and delivering pizzas and therefore his name Pizza Phil.
So we got there and no Phil to meet us. He didn't come to the beach so we went to the house and there was a letter from me on the table with a wine bottle on it and the date circled on the calendar. I went to see Ruby and she told me the story. 3 days earlier he was acting strangely and had been for a few weeks. he killed his cat and told her he was going to pv and would be back. No one ever saw him again. His woman Inca Ada had Interpol come and all they found out was that he had gone to the holiday inn in PV with a man and Phil signed the check. They left together and that was it. I felt him in Yelapa for a few years but then not again. I have always believed that he was killed and put into the sea...who knows?? And why? Another Yelapa mystery. contributed by Penney DeRaps