Welcome to Raicilla Dreams, please make yourself comfy....you will find many photos, anecdotes and tales of Yelapa told by amigos that lived there before electricity and before it was totally discovered by the tourist world. I welcome your own memories and photos.

Start at the very bottom with archives and work your way up if you want to follow the order I posted. Otherwise, just feel free to skip around and read what suits your fancy...faye

Monday, July 11, 2011

Finally....Kid Photos!

1st pic is of Letty Thomson, my brother Bill (AKA Pichon) and Me, Reyna.  Letty, Todd and Pam lived at what was known as the Galeria, Gloria’s old place for displaying her art. It was later rented to people. My brother, father and I lived right next door between the Galeria and Rita Tillett’s shop.   We’d gone over to play as we did when kids were living there.

2nd pic is of my birthday (left to right – Tali Shapiro, me (Reyna), Monica and my brother Bill (AKA Pichon). This was the only birthday party I remember as a child – my father was very strict and there was not much fun to be had sometimes. This one was memorable because I got to have soda, we only had one per year and the same went for chocolate of any kind.

3rd pic was one of a party at the Shapiro home which was the place for many parties.
Top row left to right – Shapiro children and at end hired help (sorry, it’s been too long, do not remember names)
Bottom row left to right – Jeff, Todd (teachers son), Bill (AKA Pichon), Daria, Tali, me (Reyna)  My father had Kaftans made for the three of us and we all wore them that day – it was cool.             courtesy of Reyna Schlichter – Rick the Stick’s daughter