Welcome to Raicilla Dreams, please make yourself comfy....you will find many photos, anecdotes and tales of Yelapa told by amigos that lived there before electricity and before it was totally discovered by the tourist world. I welcome your own memories and photos.

Start at the very bottom with archives and work your way up if you want to follow the order I posted. Otherwise, just feel free to skip around and read what suits your fancy...faye

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Jungle Living

Scorpions Spiders Mosquitoes Bats
Gekos Lizards Skunks and Rats
Crickets singing Giant Bees
Roosters sleeping in the trees
Landcrabs Termites Scrawny cats
Donkeys Horses and their craps
Badgers Squirrels and Little Weasels
Mice and Ticks Large Flying Beetles
Armadillos Lots of Frogs
Cows and Bulls and Barking DOgs
Butterflies Fireflies
Dragonflies and Fleas
Ants of all descriptions any where they please
Burning Garbage Burning Gas
Sure hope this trip is not my last.

by Kelley Chesley