Welcome to Raicilla Dreams, please make yourself comfy....you will find many photos, anecdotes and tales of Yelapa told by amigos that lived there before electricity and before it was totally discovered by the tourist world. I welcome your own memories and photos.

Start at the very bottom with archives and work your way up if you want to follow the order I posted. Otherwise, just feel free to skip around and read what suits your fancy...faye

Thursday, August 19, 2010

To Burn or Not to Burn?....That is the Question

Last week I started reading old journals and letters from my first years in Yelapa. I intended to separate into piles and decide which might stay and which would go the way of a special burn. Did I really need to keep all these ramblings and letters? I managed to shred a couple...just bad memories....why keep them to remind of something sad? I laughed through most pages and some set me back a bit with hard memories and tough times...put the letters d. wrote in a folder for her...found a couple from Izzy...kept to treasure....one from Peggy M...also now gone who gave me sound advice about an old beau...amazing letters from all sorts of people...

I even found the last name of a friend I have not seen or spoken to in 32 years. I had always wondered what had become of this gentle man that crossed paths with me that first year in Yelapa. Could never find him as I thought I did not have his name..and there it was in my journal. I immediately went to FB and found 4 with his name..I asked if they had ever been to Yelapa and by sheer luck...there he was....we reconnected and I have a new old friend again. He taught me to spearfish.

Most of my poems and notes are corny or overly dramatic..here is a poem I wrote about Yelapa that first year...I was 29 and it had been raining for 3 weeks.

Nothing moves when it rains
even the sea looks calm, unable to rush against the weight of falling water.
Each tree is a dreamy vision
Each palm frond is a memory unmoving locked into position
no longer vibrant with life, no movement.

Down, down the torrents pour encasing all the living,
enveloping all with long cool fingers.
Blurred mist.

I am locked into position unable to escape my boundary
while the cats continue to demand.

Ok, if you can handle that one, I'll publish some more!