Welcome to Raicilla Dreams, please make yourself comfy....you will find many photos, anecdotes and tales of Yelapa told by amigos that lived there before electricity and before it was totally discovered by the tourist world. I welcome your own memories and photos.

Start at the very bottom with archives and work your way up if you want to follow the order I posted. Otherwise, just feel free to skip around and read what suits your fancy...faye

Thursday, May 21, 2009

More On Nicknames

Pepe himself was known to some villagers as "Ladeado" because he kept his head always tilted to one side.
There was Beautiful Gary and Hollywood Cary. To some, Peggy was called Pegamundo. There was Pablo The Rapist---maybe the same as your Pablo the Pigfucker.
To the villagers I was Don Miguel, but to my friends---or enemies?---I was Raicilla Mike. The latter resulted from a session Jerry Roberts and I had with a gallon jug of the good stuff, starting at the Yacht Club and ending in a gulch somewhere. Jerry made it home at dawn with multiple lacerations, while my liver has never completely recovered.
Steve The Beachcomber, a wonderful man. Gave me my first shot of raicilla as an innocent tourist in 1967. Let's not forget Emmy, grandson of Ralph Waldo. Lived in the little house next to the trail down to the beach. How about Santa Claus---Howard, who launched fizzy rockets at night, once burning down the roof at Hotel Lagunita. Give me time and I'lll think of others. Buddy used to invent hilarious nicknames for sundry characters----my favorite was "Anana, Banana and Papaya" for certain ladies.
Of course, there was IS. She was terrific---and she didn't "depend on what your definition of is is".....courtesy of Michael Robins

Monday, May 18, 2009

Nicknames Being Added

OK, I think this nickname thing could get out of control...
How about nicknames that stuck! Most everyone used them...

Pizza Phil, Rick the Stick, Filipino Chris, Rolex Jeff, Mosquito Woman, The Nose Flute

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Comments & Tidbits

For Yelapa historians. Thank you Faye, thank you David Berlin.

HOWEVER: another subsequent field for primary research would be who NAMED
the nicknames, and what avatars they have attended throughout the years.

Byron would be an excellent source. I will make sure he got this blog and
get him to add and correct.

David is, understandably, the authority on the Point and the Root Canal, but
yes, David, there is an upriver - pretty sketchy there.

--Cadillac Ed! Primo named Cadillac Ed - he said that Ed looked like
somebody who had worked hard all his life in order to finally buy a
Cadillac, and in this case, Yelapa was Ed's Cadillac.

Primo and Jaime
together Yclept Pablo the Pigfucker, truly a legendary character and
deserving of having his name fully spelled out.

--Hammock Jerry is a self-awarded euphemism for Jock Strap Jerry. But they
are the same lovable jerk.

--I take credit for No Neck Frank.

--Primo was called Primo not because he was first in anything or anybody's
cousin but because he used to go around in an old Primo (Hawaiian) Beer

--Upriver Pegge, Upriver Gail. The Cacahuate Woman. Nurse Christina. Ratza
(her name was really Shirley). And - last but by no means least - Sailor

Sailor Bob was renamed after housesitting for Lang and, while there,
throwing all the household appliances - washing machine, TV, etc. - down the
hill in a fit of something or other. His name then became "Housesitter Bob."

Reno Dick was also known (by me, anyway) as Las Vegas Dick. He was a very
funny guy.

Now we need stories about all these people. Who's first?
.....contributed by Beth Coffelt


One - Eyed Luis

Caderas, Guerillillo, Pajuelas, Bollilo, 

Mal–Hecho, Treco, Ronco, el Gordo

Chino, Chuy, chino, Chico, Tepo

Nacho, Jejin, Guero, Lobo, Vaselino

Betio, El Bollo, Panchito, Gallo, Guaco, Faymouse

Pipeline Jim, Silent Jim, Yoga Jim, Captain John, Sailor Bob  

Rick The Stick, Bongo Rick, Bonger Don,  Miramar Kadafi  

No Neck Frank, Scamananda, Ron Devous,

Crazy Charlie, Orange Charlie, Charlie Chichara, Indian Charlie, hammock jerry

Michael Tree, Murph, Pizza Phil, Muffin Tom

Fast Eddie, Eduardo, Cadillac Ed

Up river Nikki, Icky Nikki, Ratza, Nancy La Fruta, Little Dawn,

Jaimola, Primo, Fonzi, Tulin, Piri, Ronco, Big Al

ChiCha, Gallero, Seldom Seen Bob, Nirmalo

Alejandron Upper Hank, Lower Hank, Emi, Pan Bimbo

Dr. John, Dr. Gary, Alaska Jack

Mom Tom, Sheena of the Jungle, Sarge

Uncle Monkey, Count No Account, Borracho Steve

Pancho, Black Pablo, Pablo The Pig Fucker

Captain Wally, Conrado, Pichon,  

Rainbow lightening, Felipo, grunion, reno dick

Jock Strap Jerry, Riff, Raff, MunMun

Flakesly, Cacaca, Jose Cuervo

Pina, Conejo, Chabela, Chayote, los ganchis.

Por Seguro, Cuate, Blind Maggie, Zorro, Che, Chayo

......Courtesy of Dave Berlin

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Still Catching My Breath

Thank you all for being so patient. I haven't had a moment to sit down and reflect on Yelapa from the Present, let alone the Past. Times are changing in Yelapa and yet everything is so much the same. When I look at the pictures you send it really takes me back to a more simple life before electricity; less people, less houses, less of everything. Was it better? 

Thanks to all who have helped me by taking the time to scan photos and send them along to me. I have photoshopped, cropped, dibbled and dabbed them to present to you as best I can. 

Beth Coffelt, we're still waiting for Part II of your story! I promise I'll add more from conversations I had with Patricia, Allen, and Guaco very soon, in the meantime, please enjoy all the new photos sent by Oliver Sturtz and David Berlin.

Keep them coming!